0% THC

100% Terpenes

A drawn image of a lime
A drawn image of a raspberry's top with a stem
A drawn image of a pineapple wedge
A drawn image of a raspberry on its side with a stem
A drawn image of a lime sliced in half
A drawn juicy peach
A small drawn wedge of pineapple fruit
A drawn image of a slice of pineapple
A drawn side profile of a raspberry
A drawn image of a pineapple
A drawn image showing a wedge of a lime
A drawn image of a raspberry standing upright with a stem
A drawn image showing a wedge of a lime
A drawn image of a raspberry facing upright
A small drawn wedge of pineapple fruit
A drawn image of a lime sliced in half
A drawn image of a raspberry standing upright with a stem
A drawn image showing a wedge of a lime
A drawn juicy peach
A white arrow icon pointing down
A drawn side profile of a raspberry
A drawn image of a pineapple
Educational video of a woman talking about terpenes


ripe gummies falling into 5 different jars


  • Image of what benefits you get from just THC
  • Image of what benefits ripe gummies have when combined with THC

*Elevated potency can be experienced, but isn't guaranteed. More detailed information on terpenes here.

(With 🌿)

  • A drawn image of a mango fruit


    😌 Relaxing

    😴 Sedating

    🥲 Pain Relief

    🤩 Euphoric

  • A drawn image of a lime


    🥇 Uplifting

    🥳 Energetic

    🎨 Creative

    😎 Care-free

  • A drawn image of three raspberries


    🧬 Calming

    👽 Enhancing

    🥲 Pain Relief

    🫠 Soothing

  • A drawn image of a pineapple


    🫡 Alert

    🥳 Energetic

    🎨 Creative

    🫁 Lung Airflow

  • A drawn juicy peach


    🧬 Calming

    😎 Care-free

    🥲 Pain Relief

    🫠 Soothing

Regular price

Customize your experience with terpenes!

Why does one strain lock you to the couch, but another feels energetic? It's the unique synergies between different cannabinoids and terpenes. Our variety pack will help you find which terpenes work best for you. Take our gummies with your favorite green and start exploring!

These terpenes will either Enhance or Customize the effects of your journey.

What does it mean to Enhance or Customize? (Click Me)

Enhance = You add to the existing effects of your green. (Typically by taking terpenes with flower, live resin / rosin, or terpene enhanced products)

Customize = You create a completely new set of effects. (Typically by taking terpenes with vape / concentrate products or cheap products)

Basically, it boils down to:

If a green product contains a full terpene profile, you will enhance the effects.

If a green product contains degraded terpenes, you will customize the effects.

  • Vegan
  • No Corn Syrup
  • Gluten Free
  • Count / Flavor Terpene
  • 10 Mango Chews 10mg B-Myrcene
  • 10 Lime Chews 10mg Limonene
  • 10 Raspberry Chews 10mg B-Caryophyllene
  • 10 Pineapple Chews 10mg a-Pinene
  • 10 Peach Chews 10mg Linalool
This product does NOT contain THC. Effects are only expected when taken with THC. Effects will vary by person. May have a terpene aftertaste.


Most people consume terpenes daily without even knowing it. They are compounds that give plants their unique scent / flavor and are found in nearly all fruits and vegetables.

When combined with cannabinoids like THC, they can induce unique effects. Just like fruit, cannabis naturally produces terpenes, which is why each strain has unique smells, tastes, and psychoactive effects.

These gummies must be taken with THC to activate their unique effects. With our terpenes, you can create custom terpene profiles to find effects that align with your body.

Each person is different so you will need to find a terpene profile that's right for you. It's like trying out different cannabis strains except with our terpenes you will be 'crafting your own'.

It's different for everyone, but they can give enhancements and unique effects to an individual's high. This is caused by synergies in the brain between terpenes and THC.

Aside from plant characteristics, terpene profiles are one of the primary ways we can differentiate between strains (Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, etc.).

Yes! However, a large amount of cannabis products lose most of their terpenes. This can happen when THC is extracted from flower via high temperatures, poor packaging, burning the final product at a temperature too hot for terps, etc!

Many of these products have THC or cannabinoids like CBD, but have lost a huge amount of their terpenes. Even cannabis flower loses most of its terpenes while curing because they degrade rapidly when exposed to oxygen.

In many lower tier or poorly packaged cannabis products, you are likely to find only trace amounts of terpenes.

It's a fun process finding your unique terpene profile! Mix and match until you find your perfect high.

You likely have a preference between Sativa vs Indica heavy strains. Start by taking terpenes that match the effects you typically enjoy from cannabis.

Live resin/rosin and fresh flower are going to be some of the best products for terpene preservation. The difference however is that with these products (or terpene enhanced edible/vape/concentrate products) you are being given a pre-crafted terpene profile.

Essentially, you have to take a bunch of guesses trying to find a strain that already has the perfect terpene profile for your brain.

Our gummies allow you to take any THC and either lean your high towards certain effects or customize the high if the product has lost its terpenes. We're in the business of helping you find the perfect high.

Take as many as you want, but if you want to match an amount similar to the terpene content in cannabis flower, you want around 20% the amount of THC.

Each chew contains 1mg of a terpene, so if you take 10mg of THC, taking 2 gummies will equal about 20%.

Taking beyond 20% doesn't necessarily mean more potent effects!

Yes! BUT the amount of fruit you must each is large and less controllable. Our chews make it much easier to ingest and control. For example, if you wanted Myrcene,

1 ripe Mango Chew = 1 Whole Mango Fruit

Eating it in gummy form allows you to dose your terpenes consistently.